“An Actor’s Companion” in Backstage!

Doug GoldringPress

We already knew how great a book “An Actor’s Companion” is, but we sure appreciate Backstage for mentioning it in their article “These 5 Great Books About Acting Can Upgrade Your Performance!” Congrats to Seth! If you don’t have your own copy, grab one today! Copies are available online or …

Lee Brock

ICYMI – Lee Brock’s Column: The 4 P’s of Acting

Doug GoldringCommunity, Press

Nearly eight years ago, TBG’s founding co-artistic director Lee Brock wrote a five-part series of guest columns for Backstage.com’s “Backstage Experts” feature. Her third piece, entitled “The 4 P’s of Acting” was published on January 22, 2016. Lee gives her take on the fundamentals of the acting journey, and shares …

Lee Brock

ICYMI – Lee Brock’s Column: Enlighten and Inspire

Doug GoldringCommunity, Press

Nearly eight years ago, TBG’s founding co-artistic director Lee Brock wrote a five-part series of guest columns for Backstage.com’s “Backstage Experts” feature. Her second piece, entitled “Enlighten and Inspire’” was published on December 4, 2015. The column begins, “As actors we spend a lot of time waiting—waiting to get auditions; …

NY Theater Buying Guide Review 17 Minutes


17 MinutesBy Scott OrganDirected by Seth Barrish The Barrow Group312 W. 36th Streetbarrowgroup.org  Review by Ronald GrossNew York Theater Buying Guide  IN BRIEF:  Our highest recommendation!   Riveting drama that brings to mind the Parkland school massacre in which a security guard failed to take action against a student shooter.  This brilliant work explores the meanings …