Lee Brock

Lee Brock: Creating in Dark Times

Doug GoldringCommunity

Bombs are hitting Israel; the war’s raging in the Ukraine; Afghanistan has one of the deadliest earthquakes in history, killing 2,440 people; Libya has a catastrophic flood, killing 11,000; America has no House Speaker; I am teaching an acting class in New York City.

A student asks, “How do we go on in these dark times? How do we keep creating when the world is falling apart?”

All I can think to say is, “We have to. This is when the world needs Art the most. There has to be darkness so we can find the light. Art gives us the opportunity to see the world from a different perspective. It allows us to see our humanity and understand deeper empathy. Through our stories, we are able to heal ourselves and others – make people laugh and cry. The artists are the ones who elevate and give hope to difficult situations. So we have a lot of work to do.”

Another student remarks, “I feel so helpless.”

I think…Me too.

In The Book of Joy, the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu talk about “Finding your Joy.” I find myself thinking The more you find joy, the more you help the world.

At this dark moment, a simple prayer comes to mind…

May we continue to tell our stories so we can help heal the world one person at a time. Let us find tools that help us stay positive in dark times, so we are able to take care of ourselves and the community around us. Let us continue to nurture our creative spirits so that others will be transformed through the stories we tell.
