Open Call – Actor auditions for TBG’s 1-Year Directing Program winter scene work.
Actors are needed for scene work in our 1-Year Directing Program with Seth Barrish and Lee Brock. Actors must be available for in class facilitated rehearsals on several Mondays between 6:30-9:30pm January 22 – March 25.
In-Person Auditions
Monday, January 15
@ The Barrow Group, 520 8th Avenue, 9th Floor
This is an open call, no need to sign up in advance. When you arrive at TBG, check in at the front desk to get on the audition list. Please prepare a 1-minute contemporary monologue.
*Actors will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis, and we cannot guarantee everyone will be seen, though as many will be seen as time allows.