Letter about the return to in-person programs


After 18 long, challenging months, we’re thrilled to have returned to in-person programming this September.

It’s deeply moving to once again share space with artists and create. Prior to the pandemic, this was a given we took for granted. Now, we recognize this as a unique gift.

Theater brings people together. Builds community. Inspires lives. We’re so grateful to be able to gather again and begin to revitalize NYC.

At the same time, we’re delighted that our online programming continues to reach people. Two years ago, we never would’ve imagined that we’d virtually connect with artists around the country and world.

It’s also amazing to think that we’re on the precipice of building a new home – an inclusive, accessible artistic center that will serve thousands of diverse artists – focused on storytelling that is simple, real, and spontaneous. And… we’re financially poised to accomplish this. At the beginning of the pandemic, we had $1.4M in the bank. We now have $3.685M. To more than double our assets in a year and half time is astounding. We are so grateful to TBG’s Board of Trustees’ leadership in developing strategy and help in raising these funds.

It’s been an epic 18 months. A lot to be grateful for. We’ve not only survived – we’re coming back stronger.

Thank you all – here’s to a great FY22!

–Robert, Lee, and Seth