A Message From Seth Barrish

Doug GoldringTBG Updates

Yesterday I taught a Shakespeare class at TBG and found myself in tears repeatedly – I wasn’t alone. This small group of actors, in a tiny room, shared their gifts with each other, applying their formidable skills to some of the most beautiful poetry our language has to offer.

I find myself asking, “Why was I so moved?”

Over the last fifteen years we have watched our nation turn into a cauldron of vitriol – anger, hate, disdain, belittlement, etc. We feel it in the news, in social media, and even in our families.

It’s, for lack of a better word, devastating. Is it our nature as a species to cling on to fear and lash out? The word “Homosapien” means “Wise Men.” Are we? In the onslaught of politics and various woes, have we completely lost our way?

I wonder.

On the other hand, I have the incredible fortune of interacting with artists every day – smart, curious, compassionate people, driven to make the world better. And each day I am reminded – beauty lives within us, ever ready to emerge.

Last night I read the Stage Manager’s report for Triptych and I was struck by this line: “Lots of laughs, mmm’s, and sobs throughout the show.” And there it was again…


The extraordinary artists who comprise TBG’s community regularly demonstrate the power of art. They dedicate themselves, not out of obligation, but out of desire, to telling stories as best they can. And now, perhaps more than ever, in my lifetime at least, their work is essential. It’s a balm that I believe we all need desperately.

So, here we are at year-end, making our annual fundraising appeal, but this year is different. To put it simply, the performing artists need you. They, of course, will continue to do what they do regardless of whether you invest in them. Theirs is a selfless act that requires no specific remuneration. They do it for you, because they love you.

So, if you find it in your heart to contribute to these artists and help them do what they do best, I, for one, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is the time to ask yourself, “Do I want to participate?”

If you do, click this link to contribute.

Why now? Because we need each other more than ever.

– Seth

“What I love most about The Barrow Group is that it’s for everyone. It’s for beginners; it’s for Academy Award winners, some of the most celebrated actors in the world; it’s for kids, a six-year-old who has a dream…”
– Robert Serrell, Executive Director of TBG

Please join us in reaching our goal to raise $40,000 by December 31st.

Every gift – no matter the size –  expands our impact and allows us to reach more budding artists. With your support, we can transform our vision for this community into action.

Since The Barrow Group is a nonprofit organization, your contribution is always fully tax-deductible.

Thank you – knowing you are with us in our mission to enlighten and inspire artists and audiences makes all the difference.