These have been extraordinary times: Covid 19 taking over 2.78 million lives worldwide (550 thousand American lives); the killing of George Floyd fueling the Black Lives Matter movement; people losing their jobs and working from home; our nation’s capital being attacked; businesses closing down; the inability to see friends and family and hug our loved ones; Asian hate crimes on the rise; two mass shootings in the last two weeks.
Through all of this, we remained dedicated to our core belief that stories can heal the world and art has the ability to transform each individual. In this spirit, we pivoted to online programming and look forward to returning to in-person training and productions as soon as possible. Our online reach has transcended geographical boundaries and we are now interacting with artists from all over the world.
On April first, The Barrow Group will turn thirty-five years old. Over the course of all those years we have been honored to participate with you in many rewarding creative ventures—three and a half decades of steadfast dedication to performing arts. And in all those years, like today, we faced our share of challenges. Over the course of time we grew to recognize that challenges are a fundamental part of the creative experience.
This birthday marks the beginning of a renaissance as we begin to transition into a post-COVID world. We look forward to taking this incredible journey with you.
Robert Serrell – Executive Director
Seth Barrish and Lee Brock – Co-Artistic Directors