THE FAITHFUL by Scott Organ directed by Tony Capone featuring Caitlin Brown, Chris Campbell, Reade Kelly, Hope Singsen, Emory Van Cleve, Jacob Garrett White SPINE by Bill C. Davis directed by Terry Berliner featuring Zachary Booth, Christina Denzinger, Poorna Jagannathan, Laurence Lau, Alexa Eisenstein THE FEAR PROJECT short plays by …
2004 / 2005 Season
26 Dates and Counting by Garth Wingfield directed by Stacy Shane featuring Michael Anderson, Missy Hargraves, Taylor Ruckel, Karin Sibrava Short Stuff III short plays by Tricia Alexandro, Joshua James, K. Lorrel Manning, Scott Organ, Eric Paeper, Stefanie Zadravec directed by Seth Barrish, Eric Paeper, Brant Spencer, Emory Van Cleve, …
2003 / 2004 Season
Release by K. Lorrel Manning directed by Donna Jean Fogel featuring Lee Brock, Deanna Lenhart, Josh Mendelow, Alfredo Narciso, Taylor Ruckel First Sight and After by John Cariani directed by Donna Jean Fogel Lobby Hero by Kenneth Lonergan directed by Donna Jean Fogel featuring Jacob White, K. Lorrel Manning, Rozie …
2002 / 2003 Season
Short Stuff II Short Plays by Alex P. Baack, Seth Barrish, Chris Campbell, Patricia Cardello, Georgi Cerruti, Christina Denzinger, Jeremy Folmer, DeAnna Lenhart, Larry Mitchell, Kate Neuman, Dee Ann Newkirk, Rick Pepper, Neil Potter, Stephen Singer, Kim Tobin, Emory Van Cleve featuring Alex P. Baack, Seth Barrish, Chris Campbell, Patricia …
2001 / 2002 Season
Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov directed by Seth Barrish Short Stuff I directed by Seth Barrish, Lee Brock featuring Tricia Alexandro, Chris Campbell, Georgi Cerruti, Edward Connors, James Furino, Matthew Landfield, K. Lorrel Manning, Dee Ann Newkirk, David Palmieri, Rick Pepper, Emory Van Cleve Feet of Clay by John Spellos …
1980s – 1990s
1990’s Thy Kingdom’s Coming (1999) by Jeff Daniels directed by Seth Barrish designed by Markas Henry featuring Patrick Kline, Reade Kelly, Larry Clarke, Gregory Cook Women of Manhattan 1997 by John Patrick Shanley directed by Paul Rice designed by Markas Henry, Robert Cangemi (lighting) featuring Katie Davis, Fiona Gallagher, Elizabeth Hanley Rice, Patrick Kline, Scott Lawrence Good …